The CRNA's QRG to Working as an Independent Contractor

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Becoming a CRNA independent contractor can be complicated, but very lucrative. Every day, our experts help freelance CRNAs from all across the country make sure they are taking advantage of all the opportunities that 1099 can bring. Whether you're a seasoned 1099 veteran or just starting out, our experienced team can review your situation to make sure you aren't missing out on some of the benefits of being a CRNA freelancer. Sure, there are other firms that can help you get it done, but having it done the right way, by professionals who understand the ins and outs of your profession, could save you tens (or even hundreds) of thousands of dollars! If you're already a 1099 CRNA, or are just thinking about freelancing, we've compiled this Quick Reference Guide exclusively for you!

Click to download our printable PDF: 
The CRNA's Quick Reference Guide to Working as an Independent Contractor

Consider working with a team of professionals who understand the unique elements associated with CRNA businesses. CRNA Tax Associates® has the knowledge to help you save more of your hard earned money and determine appropriate tax minimization strategies. Call our office at 336.793.2264 or email us at to schedule your free introductory phone call.